Balance in Design

Any design created or in process, we should always think about the principles of the graphic design, be it empathy, contrast, unity, etc. In order to make your design aesthetically beautiful, we need to ensure the visual balance in it. Balance should be considered in every design you make. Balance in graphic design is the placement of elements, which has a visual weight to it. When you view an object with half of it with the dark color and the other half with a lighter shade, you will find the dark color to be heavier in the design. Balance, thus play an important role in graphic design.

If you don’t have a sense of balance with your own design, naturally the viewers around, wont know where to look, and also wont connect themselves in the context of what are you trying to communicate with it. Balance doesn’t mean equal distribution of elements as symmetry, but also it can be achieved in an asymmetry design. The best example for balance would be a seesaw. We all played back in our times when we were young. We have two people with different weights on each side and make it balance by the positioning of the heavier person.Balance-02

Symmetry Balance

With the symmetrical design, the visual weight is distributed evenly, either vertical or horizontal. A symmetry balance in the design is usually shown with a straight line through middle and a visual balance is evenly distributed. The composition below will give a basic idea of what the symmetry balance is all about.


Both sides of the composition carry an equal weight. You also have to keep in mind though the symmetrical design gives a great balance but sometimes it doesn’t always relate to an interesting design.

The best brand Logo example for a symmetry design is Motorola.

Asymmetry Balance

Asymmetrical composition is intended to create a deliberate imbalance of the elements in the design. The elements of the design are not evenly distributed on the composition. In these particular designs, one of the sides is heavier than the other, but still there is a balance to it. Below you will see a simple composition of the asymmetry designs. A simple example would be like a bunch of smaller elements at one side of the design with a large element on the other side and still giving you a sense of balance, while creating an aesthetic view.

The other best example for asymmetry design would be of Mondrian. Want to know who Piet Mondrian is?


The best brand Logo example for an asymmetry design is Pepsi.

There are many other ways to show balance in your won design. One of the ways is to apply colors and achieve the balance with different weight of the objects. The other way is to use different shape of the objects and show a visual interest through this principle of design. Now that we have a strong understanding of how balance plays an important role in your design, we make sure we use this in our next design projects.

Whether its symmetrical or asymmetrical balance, you should also think about what is appropriate for your composition.

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