Why is Branding important?

Header.jpgBranding is something that small business owners are familiar with and often know they need it too, but sometimes can’t justify the investment or are unable to explain why they need it. Being a Brand Designer, I’m going to explain as why branding your product/ service or organization is important and why I believe it is worth an investment.

  • Essential for a successful brand

Branding is one of the most important aspect for your brand. Think about your favorite brand and one thing you really like about them. It could be anything from the way they package their product to brochures to their websites to their weekly newsletters you receive from them to the way you feel while entering their store. This is all Branding.

  • Branding is client’s first impression

Branding is like a first date. We always understand that looks are not an important part, but when you first meet someone, that first impression always has a count and we do remember it through our entire life. Same is the branding, it needs to resonate with the client/ consumer.

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  • Branding sets you apart from your competitors

As a creative small business, it’s likely that you’re working in a saturated industry. Be it any business – wedding decorators, events, photography, graphic designers, there’s no doubt that there are many competitors. How do a brand stands out- while one of the way is branding. Do not follow the crowd and do the same branding as they are doing with their brand. Every brand has their own vision, target audience and service/ product range. Create something which is different from your industry and use that to create your brand that also speaks to your ideal client.

  • Branding makes your business memorable

You want to make sure your brand is consistent throughout, right from the identity, symbol, icons, web-banners of the website, newsletters to the brochures, advertisments, etc. Also, social media platforms play a huge role in the market since its easily accessible and has to have the same consistency too. Do not worry if the material is all over same, because that’s what you want them to, so you can relate it to a single brand.

  • Branding done right, attracts the ideal client

Well thought out and designed branding will catch the eye of an ideal client you want to attract and work with.

Branding can change how people percept your brand, it can drive new business and increase brand awareness.

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